Playdays Preschool
Playdays Preschool 

Frequently Asked Questions

What may seem obvious to some, may not be to others...


If you would like to put your child's name on our waiting list please call 07932730968 or email with your child's full name, date of birth and a telephone contact number. 


Data Protection

All information that the setting holds on children and their families complies with the Data Protection Act 1998.  The information will not be shared with any outside agencies without prior consent from Parents/Guardians.


As of  September 2024, our fees will increase to £8.00 per hour.  A non-refundable registration fee of £20 is charged and all fees are required half termly in advance. 


The term after your child's 3rd birthday they will be entitled to 15 hours of free funding (subject to availability)

We accept Free 2 Year old funding for both disadvantaged familes and working families (subject to London Borough of Sutton's guidelines and availability)


We also offer the 30 hour scheme subject to availability


Childcare vouchers accepted.

What happens after registration?

Once you have visited the Preschool and completed a registration form you will be sent a letter offering you a place at the setting.  If you decide to accept the place we will ask you to return an acceptance slip along with a non-refundable registration fee. At this point you will be sent a letter informing you of the date and time of a home visit. If this is convenient then one of the Managers and your child's keyperson will come along to meet you.  During the home visit your child's keyperson will get to know your child while one of the Manager's goes through a 'New Parent Information Pack'.  This pack includes a newsletter and various pieces of paperwork which you will be asked to complete and return on your child's first day.  You will also be given an 'all about me' form which we will ask you to complete on behalf of your child.  This 'all about me' form is the starting point of their learning journey whilst they attend Playdays.


When can my child start at Playdays?

Children can start Playdays after their 2nd birthday and stay with us until they start school.  



Starting Preschool

Leaving your child for the first time in a strange environment is a daunting process for both you and your child. 

We always advise prospective parents to view as many Preschools as possible as each Preschool works differently and we believe you will 'instantly know' which Setting is right for your child. 

If you accept a place at Playdays we will organise a home visit with one of the Managers and your child's keyperson in an environment where your child feels safe and secure.  These home visits are very beneficial in helping your child to settle, however, there is no obligation for you to accept this offer.
We do not have a hard and fast settling in procedure as we believe all children settle at their own pace.  Please work alongside your child's keyperson  to enable your child to have a smooth settling process.  Please do not be alarmed if your child settles happily then after a few weeks gets upset, this is very common.




What if my child has Special Educational Needs?

We offer an inclusive environment which caters for the needs of all children.  We work alongside The Portage Team, Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and the London Borough of Sutton Early Years Special Educational Needs Team. Our Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator will liaise with yourself and all professionals working with your child to ensure your child achieves their full potential.


If your child has an allergy it is important that we are informed.  We have a comprehensive Asthma Policy and staff are trained to administer Asthma Pumps, once you have completed a medication form.  All staff have received training on how to use epi pens.

What happens if my child is ill?

It's unavoidable that small children catch all kinds of minor infections. For a speedy recovery and to prevent the other children from falling ill, children who are unwell must stay at home. Only when the fever has subsided for a whole day should you return your child to the nursery. If the disease is infectious, we'll need a doctor's note confirming that your child is no longer contagious.



What should my child bring?

On your child's first day could you please bring:

  • A recent photograph of your child for their name card. 
  • Could you also bring a box of tissues - we wipe lots of runny noses so this helps us to keep well stocked up!
  • If your child is in nappies, please pack some spare nappies, nappy sacks and wet wipes. 
  • It is useful to get your child their own inexpensive school bag which they can use to put their bits and pieces in. 
  • Please do not put your child in expensive clothing as although we supply aprons for messy play children do still get messy and we do not want to ruin expensive clothes. 
  • If you are potty training your child please put in a supply of spare clothes. 
  • Can you also please ensure that your child wears appropriate clothing for the weather.  They will not be allowed outside without a sunhat and sun cream having being applied at home before they come to the setting.  
  • Please label all your child's items with their name. 
  • Children do sometimes like to bring in toys from home. We would preferably discourage this as unfortunately toys do go missing and this can cause the children distress.

Collecting your child

When your child starts at Playdays, you will be asked to give us a list of names of the people permitted to collect your child.  You will also be asked to supply a password which must be given by anyone other than yourself when picking up. 

We must be informed when you drop off your child if someone other than yourself is collecting them. 

In the event of an emergency please call 07932730968 to inform staff members that someone else will be collecting your child. 

Please always try to be on time when collecting your child as it can be very upsetting for them if everyone has gone home and they are left behind. 

Please be aware that as per our policies we will charge a £20 late fee if you are more than 15 minutes late. After 45 minutes it is our duty of care to contact Social Services.


Parents Advisory Group

We have an active Parent's Advisory Group which consists of a group of parents/carers that get together to discuss how your child's time at Playdays can be improved, how parents can be involved in children's learning, future fundraising ideas and just to meet up and get to know each other.  

Please let a a member of the team know if you would like to join the parent whatsapp!





Playdays Preschool
Friends Meeting House

10 Cedar Road




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